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You can replace the existing memory module with a highercapacity one. Before you upgrade or replace memory, please check on the BenQ web site to determine the module which can be used, or contact BenQ distributor or customer service center. It is recommended that you take your Joybook to the BenQ distributor or customer service center for the upgrade or memory replacement.

For details about the limit of maximum memory, refer to the
product information from

Please follow the steps below to consult the FAQ information
and find out the types of BenQ certified memory modules for your Joybook:
1. Connect to BenQ Online Service and Support
2. Click FAQ.

3. Click Joybook.


  1. £òüí§ // 22 February 2008 at 21:15  

    untuk nomer 8, saya tambahin.
    kalo susah bukanya, coba pake pengungkit sederhana (dicongkel)

    pake sendok ato obeng ato penggaris besi, terus dilapisin dulu pake tissue ato lap yang tipis supaya ga rusak ato lecet.

    soalnya punya saya susah dibukanya dan dicungkil pake sendok waktu itu.

  2. Toms // 24 February 2008 at 18:37  

    No. 5 Lebih tepatnya bro :p
    klo No. 8 itu sudah mau ditutup :)

    Untuk S41 memang rada keras, coba pake obeng pipih saja bisa koq ati2 aja.