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Before you install Microsoft Windows XP, first you must make sure the BIOS settings SATA Operation Mode in the options Compatible.
1. How to enter the BIOS by pressing the F2 key when the BenQ logo appears.
2. To select the Advanced tab.
3. Select the IDE Configuration
4. Change the SATA Operation setting of Enhanced Mode to Compatible (if not in a position compatible).
5. Save BIOS Settings
6. Perform installation of Windows.
If the steps above do not, you will not be able to install Microsoft Windows XP.

How to install driver
Driver installation should be done with the unpack all the drivers that provide the BenQ Indonesia.
This is to avoid things that are not desired. Step by step driver installation:
1. Install chipset drivers.
2. Install VGA driver.
3. Install Audio driver.
4. Install Modem driver.
5. Install LAN driver
6. Install cardReader.
7. Install Wifi driver
8. Bluetooth Install
9. Run the file that is in the Install.cmd folder SATA Controller / Prepare
10. Reboot your computer
11. Log in to the BIOS the same way as described above.
12. Change the SATA Operation Mode back to the original that is in Enhanced mode.
13. Save the BIOS settings.
14. Boot back to Windows, at the time prompted the driver to drive SATA Controller folder and select OK.
15. Install ATK0100
16. Install ATK Hotkey
17. Camera install driver